A voice "Their Lordships can wear the earpiece" made by Javier Rojo, President of the Senate on Tuesday began a grotesque episode in the country. Catalan Ramon Aleu was the first to use an official language to defend a motion in the Senate since last April will approve the reform of Regulation Cameral according to which, henceforth, we can talk in the Senate on any languages \u200b\u200bthat happen to be patriotic officers at the regional level and are now also the national. An example of the sickness of the partridge and distraction maneuvers that have become our politicians in lean times. We still do not understand how is possible that in a country with a common language, the second most used in the world, understood in the parliament have to use other officers however are in their respective regions. We go in, hear. We feel very good that in Spain there are other languages \u200b\u200band to speak, but we believe they should be used in their respective parliaments regions and not at the seat of the sovereignty of the nation, whose language is English. And that does not say Duke, says the Charter
Magna. What is a way of reaffirming the territorial scope of the camera?, Okay. What it denotes the multilingualism and cultural wealth of our country?, Okay. What we do not it is that a Spaniard, an Andalusian, a Extremadura or Madrid in Madrid, to understand what it says a Catalan, Galician or Basque one have to wear a headset in the quijotera as if the UN or the European parliament. Out there we do not.

And the last thing we like about this vaudeville is to carry out this reform, we need to have the presence of seven translators and spent two million pesetas per session in this Paripe. Twelve thousand euros, which by the way, for these are chocolate Sobraos parrot, that would mean an annual salary mileurista, economical solution for many small towns, there is real cooperation territorially, or many plates of food to appease the hunger so many English have to be happening today thanks to the brilliant economic management of their account

If you are misunderstood in normal conditions, it is speaking English, "by no means saying no," hardly going to get speaking in tongues. And in the times we live in the most important thing is that politicians are understood to get us out of this tension, this economic crisis and values \u200b\u200band, ultimately, to be run away from the artificiality and get back to normal logic. Thus began at Babel, and even without earpiece, so it went.
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