M any times we are reluctant to address certain issues for fear of hurt feelings and others, what the hell, we think that readers are already cured ghosts and we get full because, increasingly, we are convinced that the sensitivity of the powerful is rather insensitive. These either suffer or suffer. Have the blood of horchata, as she said Miguel Gila. Go to them, to catch chub, and then come back to Arrée. But this time, when many expect to hear what Duke thought about it, we prefer to stand aside lest then repent of what is said and it's affected our own sensibility. We talked about the success that may have had the powers that be in Genoa on the IPE choice to lead the Conservative list in the upcoming regional elections to the parliament of Asturias. However, in this madness that has become the soap opera popular in Asturias, for we are a couple of aspects that are undeniable regardless of the outcome that all this has to end in May, when results of the polls give and take away reasons.
The first of these is referred to fidelity. It is said that voters are more disciplined Pepe the English political landscape and that this character was inherited from the days when FAC was party secretary. However, it is interesting to see how he has been the first to break the discipline at the time that things have twisted and did not paint as expected. As much as I could state the reason for the fright is in the fact that the Committee on Safeguards and the party leadership has allowed itself to insults from the direction of Asturias. Then be gone then, without waiting the fumata. The truth is that FAC was low in the party because its leadership did not chose him and not because he has called his sixties (which is true) or extraterrestrial. Worst qualifying time he fell into an active and even if you are bothered, why not the left or requested under management. The second issue has to do with the position taken from Oviedo by the regional leadership throughout this time. If at first agreed to the nomination of former minister, is not acceptable that

Anyway both parties know what they're doing well and have studied their strategies. What all this goes beyond public opinion, what we read here or see on the news will ultimately be less important because we do not doubt that some other hidden somewhere on their sleeves as they may come into play any time during the race. Perhaps to reconcile and they kiss.
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