M any times we are tempted to talk about football or fighting, or what to paint, but we always have daily events the same thing. In the filthy politics. And we are not knowledgeable about it, heaven forbid understand that. At least we are not more than you, you and you, the ordinary citizens. What here we do is just give our secular and humble opinion on the present and become, in this way and unintentionally, in the feeling of some speakers. Obviously not all. Well, you ask why this preamble and Duke will tell you that when you think you stink of that policy, which we have called foul, is just outside our borders, beyond Pajares, are three senior Principality and fuck.
Candi d tively, one s believed that corruption was only heritage character as natural disasters, Vera Rubin and others at that time, nearly two decades, reached into the bag and, although many ended up in prison, not having returned nothing now enjoy a luxury retirement thanks to the looting of public coffers . But those who believe that have come to realize that this quest of prey has reached all corners of the administrations of all points of the national territory, so that today, politics is a profession under siege. An officer friend told me that if we close our eyes and randomly pointed the finger at the map we will, to be safety, a place where corruption exists. But issue affects not only high political office but has been transmitted to many officials, seeing the big picture and the impunity with which others act, think that they will not be fools and add to cart looting of kickbacks, licenses involved, the companies filed and, ultimately, the most blatant thievery. Here we have the example, two members of the administration of the Principality.
Besides itself, the criminal and civil liability in his sentencing when the judge, there are sins and responsibilities of those who have been there. The fault "in eligendo" and blame "in monitoring" used in the field of law to describe the liability of employers with respect to the wrongful conduct or negligence of its employees when they cause damage to third parties. And this is the case. Not enough to say, as it has the minister of the Presidency, it was she who put the matter to the attention of the Office. It also requires a willingness to sign. The resignation or dismissal. As for who placed it there to his friend in the office more visible and kept him there for three terms. The President and the Minister should resign immediately. Is the only way to restore confidence to the citizens, start to clean and prevent continue mixing the bad with the good. With those who have not wanted to become contaminated.
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