Monday, January 24, 2011

Solutions For Pedal Edema


N or is it mere coincidence that right now all we write here we thought the same thing. Even remotely occur to Duke propose a column about how well they are doing in government and, of course, what they are doing better than the opposition. If we have government and opposition. It seems as if each other were more aware of what the hand that manage their own affairs. And it is something that happens provided that in the near horizon looming elections in local and regional case, the results will undoubtedly be the yardstick for measuring the performance of the following general after a year. That is, both nationally and regionally and locally, all in key electoral act. But while this happens no one shows their cards, waiting to see the player. And while some leave and others come, therefore, insult and twitching, the enemy comes and kills them all with slingshots.

In our region the emergence of a new party in the political landscape gives a special dressing to the question so that, when as yet unknown at least about people and Asturias Forum election program, everyone waits to see who will accompany the adventure Helmets. So some have already been off the hook and others wait to see if so and so in or out, if you will put in one or another list for, in your case, try to put in the opposite direction, or wait until one of them has a void to fill . Something that presumably occur in Llanes, whose Local Board has joined the dissident camp. This is what happens when you walk into a bar and waiting impatiently for the lifting of a table to occupy. Is the game of politics, qu you to get me itat. Indiscriminate policy of the exploited. The climbing.

Over the last few weeks have seen the various visits, two or three a week-to Francisco Alvarez Cascos has shifted to various locations in the Asturian attracting adherents to the cause and spreading slogans. The last one on Saturday in Mieres and sure that very soon, breaking out. And when the news we've seen people on both municipal councilors in some of these acts we ask, not without reason, what will the political groups in these municipalities in the coming days, because neither one nor the other council known who still make up the popular charts. Is it true to its name D. Pedro?, Would you be your fellow group?, what the local board? We fear that some, or all, want to slip into the new jacket and return to the manufacturer used when using it takes a long time, has taken the form of a tenant, its smells and its vices. Political parties disposable, as the first so have the instigators of the Forum. Will you trust the people undecided or no political color in those who had lived as a god in the shade of a tree go now to come under the other? We shall soon find out for sure.

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