Monday, January 31, 2011

What Socket Can A Amd Athlon X2


What we had here a year ago. The Air Force had given the Circle Aeronáuntico Jesús Fernández Duro a Mirage F-1 that, at that time, was expected to place in a roundabout the new boulevard on the burial of LVEF. No, it seems that they will locate outside the Museum of Aviation, presented on Saturday, to be called "Memorial of Gestas Aeronáunticas" and is built on land adjacent to the old ship Metalsa Arcelor Mittal has Valnalón. Bologna million and a half will cost the new invention. Take chestnut. Duke

already said that these government team that govern us by squeezing the meninges in this of I + D + i. That is, first to investigate and then develop innovative terms. Are some phenomena. Because I tell you, with the tradition No aircraft we have in Spain and Asturias in general and in Langreo particularly aggressive in times of crisis this is what we needed. Something new and, along with a return question that also eventually provide employment to the wealth of aeronautical engineers we have in the basin and serve the cultural and economic needs of its inhabitants since time immemorial, are fond of this flying, such as golf and art. And if you first became an art gallery and then two miniature golf courses, this time it is worth to also enjoy the science of air. Big time. So much for being fond of pigeon and canary. Display. What they learn in Spain and around the world that there are people here understood and ready to fly. Those

remain here, because many have already flown out to other regions and other countries. We do not err if we assert categorically that the Langreo do not care a damn golf, books in three dimensions and aeronautical science, and also if we conclude that their real concern, today is the future of Duro Felguera of Aluminum wings and many companies, although they survive more harm than good, they run the danger of flying through the air. And we especially concerned about the breed of politicians who have engaged in these inventions and the meager budgets maladministrar available in our councils. That's what really worries us. That and the love threat that hangs over the citizens that the next term, now approaching, we have more of the same. No matter who is going to govern, just give us.

If you want to give them ideas to include new projects in its election manifesto. Football stadiums, ski jumping ramps, diving and sailing in the Nalón and what could not miss, a new museum. The Contemporary dried chestnuts.

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Friday, January 28, 2011

Publicity Intership At Island Def Jam

Sonia Las Manitas

Sonia's blog Las Manitas Sonia, I proposed last week to an international and the truth is that your note pads lined I fell in love, are precious, so this week end, I have in my possession, hehe.
Here I show our interest (sorry they were a few little things, but I'll always short of time)
One of their cases (had the detail of it personally to me, in my favorite color, purple with a nice ....) book inside!
Here you can see from the inside .... I'm crazy!
And a beautiful brooch felt, I love your design.

As you can see are true wonders ..... do not hesitate to visit your blog .... you fall in love with their sympathy.

Thanks Sonia for this inter .... a big kiss!

Michael Antonio Wholesale

Inter with Inter with Mandrake

M. Carmen's blog suggested I make an international Christmas. I lately I have not much time, but finally we could do. These photos are the result ..... to eat it ..... .... and the retro chapita .....¡ great!
Totally Paris, as I like!

And finally some sweets and some stuff ... that never hurts, right?

M. Carmen Thank you for your understanding and by your creations. Do not forget to visit your blog Pleasure. We 'read'. Besos

Orlando Vacation Autism

Style Jewel year

I loved this bag H & M I saw in the shop of Jewel Style blog, so do not hesitate to propose this inter Mary.

can visit your great blog where you follow the latest trends in fashion and see your great looks:

Thank you for making this possible inter. A big kiss.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Is Tanning Bad After Waxing


N o one should outlive their children. This is the law of nature. But unfortunately, all day we hear of young people who violate the natural norm, and without a previous illness and declared, letting go of our troubled side and full of questions. Why him or her?, Is there anything we could have done?, Why not take advantage over your company?, And many other questions nobody can answer, that many people do take refuge in faith and others deny it . It is extreme pain, none surpasses it. Many of you are aware that this writer has lost a brother in these circumstances. Piris also our friend, whom we remember here on each anniversary. Therefore we have been there and witnessed what happened in the family environment. We speak with an informed and, although not our usual get-reaching and, in addition, we have always avoided that to praise the virtues and minimize the defects of those who left without warning, not talk about it but those who are left cowering and beaten by fate. Of the immediate family of his partner and their children, siblings and parents.

week passes Langreo gives a man died in a beam, tall, strong, young, full of life. In his wake, I had the occasion, sad occasion, to speak with his father and, like all parents who have been through it, stood in a cloud, not believing it yet, collapsed and crushed by a million clubs. Yesterday, six days after that, I found him walking and he was exactly the same. Not knowing where to hide, not knowing what happened, asking a thousand questions and hoping that over time will stanch the huge gaping wound in his heart. I said that time stands now, the days become endless night in agony. When not see before passing the time. It was a sigh. And I, who have suffered the same, not what to say. Nor do explanations. But I told him I think it must be sought because it is our biological conformation, at least I thought at the time. But how what good is my observation? I will be mouthy. I confess that it was planning a trip with his wife for a few months and do not know what to do ...

The tragic events, especially unexpected always interfere in the projects. A son goes and leaves a broken family of a pain that continues by far one is. However, given the recurrence of people and places, encourages them to get away from distraction, taking off for a few moments of unbearable suffering soul. You must not feel guilty for a few days to go away. If this is a balm, an aid to begin to overcome your misfortune must do so without fear of what we say others. We are to accompany and to the extent of our ability, serve you a handkerchief for when you need us. What else can we do? Just to give you a brotherly hug.

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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Creamy White Discharge At 3 Dpo


M any times we are tempted to talk about football or fighting, or what to paint, but we always have daily events the same thing. In the filthy politics. And we are not knowledgeable about it, heaven forbid understand that. At least we are not more than you, you and you, the ordinary citizens. What here we do is just give our secular and humble opinion on the present and become, in this way and unintentionally, in the feeling of some speakers. Obviously not all. Well, you ask why this preamble and Duke will tell you that when you think you stink of that policy, which we have called foul, is just outside our borders, beyond Pajares, are three senior Principality and fuck.

Candi d tively, one s believed that corruption was only heritage character as natural disasters, Vera Rubin and others at that time, nearly two decades, reached into the bag and, although many ended up in prison, not having returned nothing now enjoy a luxury retirement thanks to the looting of public coffers . But those who believe that have come to realize that this quest of prey has reached all corners of the administrations of all points of the national territory, so that today, politics is a profession under siege. An officer friend told me that if we close our eyes and randomly pointed the finger at the map we will, to be safety, a place where corruption exists. But issue affects not only high political office but has been transmitted to many officials, seeing the big picture and the impunity with which others act, think that they will not be fools and add to cart looting of kickbacks, licenses involved, the companies filed and, ultimately, the most blatant thievery. Here we have the example, two members of the administration of the Principality.

Besides itself, the criminal and civil liability in his sentencing when the judge, there are sins and responsibilities of those who have been there. The fault "in eligendo" and blame "in monitoring" used in the field of law to describe the liability of employers with respect to the wrongful conduct or negligence of its employees when they cause damage to third parties. And this is the case. Not enough to say, as it has the minister of the Presidency, it was she who put the matter to the attention of the Office. It also requires a willingness to sign. The resignation or dismissal. As for who placed it there to his friend in the office more visible and kept him there for three terms. The President and the Minister should resign immediately. Is the only way to restore confidence to the citizens, start to clean and prevent continue mixing the bad with the good. With those who have not wanted to become contaminated.

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Monday, January 24, 2011

Solutions For Pedal Edema


N or is it mere coincidence that right now all we write here we thought the same thing. Even remotely occur to Duke propose a column about how well they are doing in government and, of course, what they are doing better than the opposition. If we have government and opposition. It seems as if each other were more aware of what the hand that manage their own affairs. And it is something that happens provided that in the near horizon looming elections in local and regional case, the results will undoubtedly be the yardstick for measuring the performance of the following general after a year. That is, both nationally and regionally and locally, all in key electoral act. But while this happens no one shows their cards, waiting to see the player. And while some leave and others come, therefore, insult and twitching, the enemy comes and kills them all with slingshots.

In our region the emergence of a new party in the political landscape gives a special dressing to the question so that, when as yet unknown at least about people and Asturias Forum election program, everyone waits to see who will accompany the adventure Helmets. So some have already been off the hook and others wait to see if so and so in or out, if you will put in one or another list for, in your case, try to put in the opposite direction, or wait until one of them has a void to fill . Something that presumably occur in Llanes, whose Local Board has joined the dissident camp. This is what happens when you walk into a bar and waiting impatiently for the lifting of a table to occupy. Is the game of politics, qu you to get me itat. Indiscriminate policy of the exploited. The climbing.

Over the last few weeks have seen the various visits, two or three a week-to Francisco Alvarez Cascos has shifted to various locations in the Asturian attracting adherents to the cause and spreading slogans. The last one on Saturday in Mieres and sure that very soon, breaking out. And when the news we've seen people on both municipal councilors in some of these acts we ask, not without reason, what will the political groups in these municipalities in the coming days, because neither one nor the other council known who still make up the popular charts. Is it true to its name D. Pedro?, Would you be your fellow group?, what the local board? We fear that some, or all, want to slip into the new jacket and return to the manufacturer used when using it takes a long time, has taken the form of a tenant, its smells and its vices. Political parties disposable, as the first so have the instigators of the Forum. Will you trust the people undecided or no political color in those who had lived as a god in the shade of a tree go now to come under the other? We shall soon find out for sure.

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Sunday, January 23, 2011

Dry Heaves In The Morning Asma


Today GERENA you GREEN brings the full documentary "WHILE THE AIR IS OUR" (2007), a documentary directed by José Camel Manzano Free Productions and produced by analyzing the proposed installation of an Oil Refinery (Refinery Balboa) in the region of Tierra de Barros in Extremadura.

It features the testimonies of people from the Civic Platform Refinery NO, have joined forces to reject this project. As you all know, the installation of the refinery would be the construction of so-called pipeline that would pass through Gerena Balboa looking for the port of Palos (Huelva). GREEN GERENA

already dedicated a post to this issue of the pipeline Balboa you can read on the following link:


According says European Commission itself, its energy policy rests on three pillars: the promotion of renewable energy, reducing consumption and creating a market without monopolies. Why then a new refinery in Extremadura? There

certain that fossil fuels like oil are coming to an end, forcing a diversification of sources and to question the true power requirements of a greedy society. There will be no choice but to change and renewable energy use do not run, do not endanger and pollute not able to meet a truly responsible consumption.

"Some people, many, blind eye to common sense from their ivory towers of power glass to keep their privileges and those of large fortunes. Why, even today, the project murkier one of the worst polluting in Europe has the institutional support (Junta de Extremadura) and business to install a refinery in Extremadura "the most toxic and contradictory purposes in the past 40 years English state.

Throughout the documentary, you can see several pieces of a meeting of Mr. Ibarra (PSOE) in support of the Refinery, with a speech truly shameful and unbecoming of a political representative but can not be expected of a Board of Extremadura (PSOE), which is part and parcel of this project.

Indeed, Mr. Ibarra, do you remember someone?

A greeting ...

Transfer Dvr To External Hard Drive


A voice "Their Lordships can wear the earpiece" made by Javier Rojo, President of the Senate on Tuesday began a grotesque episode in the country. Catalan Ramon Aleu was the first to use an official language to defend a motion in the Senate since last April will approve the reform of Regulation Cameral according to which, henceforth, we can talk in the Senate on any languages \u200b\u200bthat happen to be patriotic officers at the regional level and are now also the national. An example of the sickness of the partridge and distraction maneuvers that have become our politicians in lean times. We still do not understand how is possible that in a country with a common language, the second most used in the world, understood in the parliament have to use other officers however are in their respective regions. We go in, hear. We feel very good that in Spain there are other languages \u200b\u200band to speak, but we believe they should be used in their respective parliaments regions and not at the seat of the sovereignty of the nation, whose language is English. And that does not say Duke, says the Charter Magna. What is a way of reaffirming the territorial scope of the camera?, Okay. What it denotes the multilingualism and cultural wealth of our country?, Okay. What we do not it is that a Spaniard, an Andalusian, a Extremadura or Madrid in Madrid, to understand what it says a Catalan, Galician or Basque one have to wear a headset in the quijotera as if the UN or the European parliament. Out there we do not.

And the last thing we like about this vaudeville is to carry out this reform, we need to have the presence of seven translators and spent two million pesetas per session in this Paripe. Twelve thousand euros, which by the way, for these are chocolate Sobraos parrot, that would mean an annual salary mileurista, economical solution for many small towns, there is real cooperation territorially, or many plates of food to appease the hunger so many English have to be happening today thanks to the brilliant economic management of their account TES. Senators who are not there to represent them or solve their problems but to make the posh. A play politics and policies, to collect and contain.

If you are misunderstood in normal conditions, it is speaking English, "by no means saying no," hardly going to get speaking in tongues. And in the times we live in the most important thing is that politicians are understood to get us out of this tension, this economic crisis and values \u200b\u200band, ultimately, to be run away from the artificiality and get back to normal logic. Thus began at Babel, and even without earpiece, so it went.

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Friday, January 21, 2011

Cost To Remove A Hernia

THESE SMOKING, flirt and

period T sticks least handsome. That is the refrain. And of course, those who fumáis, and to do you have to go out in shirt sleeves, and get a constipated Terminais the chalice which eventually spread to those who smoke and those who do not. Look kid, if you're here calentín, drinking wine, how to quies pa go out there to take the death? Leave the pitu man gáneslo health. Mira it-i told you, because the next day arrives with a flu virgin then why not to my lao and start sneezing as a descosíu. You see, animal, now you pegámelo to me. That being a smoker stop by and callejeru activu. No, that pass me by respecting putes les normes, achusss ... I answered. Pitu otru out to cast and let me wondering if there will be no reason. The benditu. Later

and entered the supermarket to by some slip and encuéntrome with Fer, the my friend. As always I see, I address it with the "healthy" purpose of greeting with the usual kiss-Muac, Muac-that we in the most chaste and loving. When I am about the kiss, put your hand in front of his mouth, turns away and says you have the flu. Another such dances. I have to say that Fer is a smoker, although I might have guessed. But she goes not to throw the pitu outside the bar, but does not enter directly. Staying out on the terrace. And there, drink coffee, read the periódicu and smokes before he brought such bundling, or so-i bundled the man. On my amigu Tista that, by the pasu, also smokes, but ye estimated that out. Returning to the super, and morality are not losing as much as bridges the Pajín be committed, I give my friend the kiss of rigor and after a brief chat we buy, every man for himself. And it got me today with an excruciating headache, coughing, and mucus that low over a park bench. There, the putu snuff. On the other, of course. They are eight in the morning and go to the bread and the newspaper. On the way I find two cramped terraces people chatting and smoking. Masochist, I think to my very insides. These are as Fer morning and me. Tien fucking thing.

Back home I open the New Spain and I read the headline: "The smoking ban encourages contact between people." In short, the news was to say that smoking outside the hotel establishments resulted in more casual pickups since they do find the recurrence in the snuff to approach, discuss and if necessary ... well, those who do not smoke do not have the opportunity approach to default and, on the other hand, are those who have to pay for drinks by that which the law also favors the "simpa." This is leave without pay with the excuse of leaving to smoke. So restaurateurs are riding in a balloon by the crisis, the law Pajín, smokers assets, liabilities, flirts and cheeky. Those who smoke, however, have found new links and savings, so even going to thank the minister. Pa we have left ...

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Monday, January 17, 2011

High Hematocrit Count Dogs


H oy myself was going through some of my columns published here in New Spain. Many of them surprised me to the point of wondering if I may have written this and what will have passed through the head of Duke at the time to do so. But mostly I've noticed that you who read me, have every reason in the world. As always. When we stop on the road is common to tell us that the "give cane" or that another "you're playing as much with them." And the truth is that sometimes when they criticize. Of course, with warmth and spirit of constructive assuming that they are human and human and, as such, they are wrong, but never on purpose. But when it comes to figure and collect not often wrong. On these occasions always right and they are not missed anything.

What ma s always surprised us they are his public statements. We refer to the verbal, of course. Wit: on the conflict of Mechanical Construction Felguera perhaps sound them as follows: "The workers saw it coming. As a long time been denouncing the company does not hire locals, not intended workload to the workshop and does not invest. I think you should have a commitment Duro more with their origins "(LNE 12/13/1910), or may recall the motion passed unanimously by the municipal plenary on 22 December in which the municipality requires the company not to go ahead with the adjustment of employment Tallerón de Barros and where the company claims that, at least, keep in Langreo level jobs is today. In addition, the mayor asked the company to dialogue with the City of Langreo to know what the future plans of the company. Among others, these are the words spoken to which we referred. Instead the public demonstrations are conspicuous by their absence. So, last Saturday one of them consisting of more than three thousand demonstrators-ten up or down, through the center of Langreo to City Hall square. Except for two or three council members of the minority group were not more local politicians. We would pleased to see the councilor Langreo there accompanied by his council and all the opposition. Leading or closing the demonstration , whatever. But they and they consider that the motion approved and have done everything. We also would like to see the municipal building is open and that the organizers had offered her balcony so that from there, he read out the appropriate messages. But no, the City has been closed and bolted. We have been wrong because those two aspects that we missed last Saturday had been very important and have confirmed the readiness of our politicians to support the legitimate demands of the workers at Duro Felguera, but, as so often, words gone with the wind and the motions are a dead letter. So we get the politicians. Why criticize.

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Hospital Walkie Talkie Protocol


Friend José Luis, from GREEN GERENA I send all my support and wish you a speedy recovery. You're strong and you will overcome this difficult moment you walk through. Here we are all looking forward to your return to enjoy your pleasant company and to continue fighting as so often in the conservation of nature.


Sunday, January 16, 2011

Bloated From Hernia Surgery

obsolescence - BUY, PULL, BUY ... ANDALUSIA

Batteries to 'die' a 18 months of being released, printers that are blocked on reaching a certain number of prints, lamps that melt a thousand hours ... Why, despite advances in technology, consumer products last less and less?

Shot in Catalonia, France, Germany, USA and Ghana, Buy, shooting, shopping, a journey through the history of a business practice that involves the deliberate reduction in the life of a product to increase its consumption because, as and in 1928 published an influential journal of American advertising, "an article that does not wear is a tragedy for business."

The documentary, directed by Cosima Dannoritzer and co-produced by English TV, is the result of three years of research, uses little-known archival footage, provides documentary evidence and shows the disastrous environmental consequences resulting from this practice. It also presents several examples of the spirit of resistance that is growing among consumers and includes the analysis and opinion of economists, designers and intellectuals who proposed alternative ways to save economy and environment.

A bulb at the root of planned obsolescence.

Edison made his first light bulb sales in 1881. Lasted 1500 hours. In 1911 an ad in English media highlighted the benefits of a mark certified bulbs lasting 2500 hours. But as revealed in the documentary, in 1924 a cartel that brought together the main manufacturers in Europe and the United States negotiated to limit the lifetime of a light bulb at 1000 hours. The Phoebus cartel was called and officially never existed but in Purchase, pull, buy we are shown the document which is the starting point of obsolescence, which is now applied to next-generation electronic products such as printers and iPods and applied also in the textile industry with the disappearance of the means to test runs. Consumer

rebels in the Internet age

Throughout the history of the scheduled expiration, the film also paints a fresco of the history of economics in the last hundred years and provides an interesting fact: the attitudinal change in consumers through the use of social networks and the Internet. The Neistat brothers case, the computer programmer or Catalan Vitaly Kiselev Marcos López, give a good account of it.
Africa, first world electronic landfill
This constant has serious environmental consequences. As we see in this research, countries like Ghana are becoming the first world electronic trash. To arrive there periodically hundreds of containers full of waste under the label of "second-hand material" and the umbrella of a contribution to bridging the digital divide and eventually taking the place of rivers or fields where children play.

Beyond the complaint, the documentary is to give visibility to entrepreneurs implement new business models and hear the alternatives proposed by intellectuals such as Serge Latouche, start talking revolution 'decrease', the reduction consumption and production to free time and develop other forms of wealth, such as friendship or knowledge, which does not define the use.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Rabbit Watering System Phjotos

U No ten year old boy with leukemia admitted to a hospital in Valencia. Twelve urgently needs blood donors AB group. According to doctors who care for their lives would be saved if blood is needed. So far the message via e-mail we received a few days ago. It indicates the name of the mother and a telephone number where contact with family, with the request that mail be forwarded to your contacts. It is true that I do not usually take no notice of these emilios looking for a network in a pyramid, because usually treated pamemas, traps for electronic addresses and nonsense own unspeakable ends idle or unemployed people, who for that matter . But this time, taking account of the origin of the story, an entrepreneur based in Gijón usually not cyber-crap and the distress call of the message I decided to bounce, as they say. It cost me more than a minute. In one email I sent to two groups and what the application does a breath was in possession of over six hundred people scattered across the country and abroad. And I have nothing to hide the recipients. Were the group of my old friends and Langreo association in the world, of which I have proud to be part of, especially seeing the results of this adventure. Through its president, who handled the situation and kept me informed, it did not take SOS response in having less than fifteen percent of the population has this blood type and, indeed, a member of the association residing in Langreo immediately offered to donate their blood altruistically and contribute to the recovery of the child. End of story.

When everyone looks after their own interests, when in our times society has become more selfishness pure and simple, when it has hardened the hearts and look the other lad or not to see the misery and suffering of our neighbors and when it happens to others does not affect us at all, when that happens and more, there is still a haven of generous and detached that no part of the individual sense of the troops, they feel in their own skin the misfortunes of others, the worldly calamities and diseases. And for someone of Langreo, neighbor and friend of ours, is worthy to emphasize their willingness to help as it can to those in need. Thus Langreo blood has been achieved for Valencia, and good blood purifier, blood solidarity and healing. And so, so human and so simple, has written the story of an anonymous child and adult, also anonymous, with feelings that transcend their domestic geography. The association has managed to harmonize the need to release is too generous for that, among other things. From this page, we congratulate and wish the child and his family all the luck and all health.