Ten good reasons to vote Gaspar Llamazares Bid Letter to Introduction should first clarify that we are choosing the candidate of the United Left government office. That is, this is a process of internal consultation to make a decision to improve the most of our electoral chances. It is a decision on the general coordinator (that's for the assembly) and neither is on the whole project. The project is still the democratically decided at the last Assembly and subsequent development in our policy making bodies: the Federal President and the Federal Political Council. Any attempt to present the election as a debate ongoing project or as an advance on the wrong Assembly targets and suggests a profoundly undemocratic behavior.
Y is an election whose outcome should preserve that which is part of our identity, our origins, that which gives meaning to Izquierda Unida from the first day of its emergence, its plurality, autonomy, alternative ideas, transformer and a Republican, his commitment to social and economic change, the socialist perspective and ideological diversity. This choice should ensure that the result preserves and develops original ideas and a native of the United Left. http://www.gasparllamazares.net/10razones.php
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