A coherent left-wing vote is clear that each one considers his primary vote to IU as the best option left for IU. Be the vote to lead the bid to the general election intended or Marga Sanz Gaspar Llamazares. These primaries are given for the first time at IU. With no atmosphere and rude insults from the suitors. It is a new value for IU. Show alternative forms of regeneration. This is a credit to IU, the IU federal direction and at the time, he wants scenario membership of radical democracy, at least within their assembly and the entire organization.
Today very small circles of management can not impose its candidate, or to oust disgraced. They must obey the membership!
\\ u003c / p \\> \\ n \\ u003cp style \\ u003d \\ "margin-bottom: 12pt; text-align: justify \\" \\> \\ u003cspan style \\ u003d \\ "font-family: Arial \\" \\> This has been made possible by the design plural, democratic, federal and federations friendly, and inclusive of different sensibilities and interests. \\ u003c/span \\> \\ u003c / p \\> \\ n \\ u003cp style \\ u003d \\ "margin-bottom: 12pt; text-align: justify \\" \\> \\ u003cspan style \\ u003d \\ "font-family: Arial \\" \\> My vote for election as head Gaspar Llamazares, is a future option to further improve air this pluralistic and democratic way forward and do not go back. \\ u003c / p \\> \\ u003c / p \\> \\ n \\ u003cp style \\ u003d \\ "margin-bottom: 12pt; text-align: justify \\" \\> \\ u003cspan style \\ u003d \\ "font-family: Arial \\" \\> I want IU to form a parliamentary group to follow the guidelines address organizational policy. A leadership that incorporates the different currents and trends, and proposals. \\ U003c/span \\> \\ u003c / p \\> \\ n \\ u003cp style \\ u003d \\ "margin-bottom: 12pt; text-align: justify \\" \\> \\ u003cspan style \\ u003d \\ "font-family: Arial \\" \\> For IU, Llamazares's candidacy is a flag to maintain and grow and a half million voters. This flag is NO to war. The NO to the Treaty on European Union. The relentless combat the PP and the dominant powers, while forces the ZP PSOE and the government to make concessions to working people and democratic measures. He has voted against the Political Parties Law. Which has defended Ezker Batua Berdeak, and the legitimacy of the consultation proposal Ibarretxe. The IU maintains that in really the right to self-determination, and argues that defending the rights and freedoms of the people vomit and Catalan, it is what makes losing votes in the rest of the state but are concessions to the powerful , or gifts as the government of Navarre UPN-PP, or focus on a process of dialogue and serious negotiations to resolve the Basque conflict. Which is restoring fraternal relations with the unions. In short, without breaking the parliamentary group led this year to vote against the State Budget, to continue and neoliberals. ", 1]); //-->
This has been the design effort plural, democratic, federal and respectful of federations, and inclusive of the different sensitivities and interests. My vote for election as head Gaspar Llamazares, is a future option to further this improvement of air pluralistic and democratic way forward and do not go back.
I want IU form a parliamentary group to follow the guidelines of the organic political leadership. A leadership that incorporates the different currents and trends, and proposals.
For IU, Llamazares's candidacy is a flag to maintain and grow and a half million voters. This flag is NO to war. The NO to the Treaty on European Union .
The relentless combat the PP and the dominant powers, as it forces the ZP PSOE and the government to make concessions to working people and democratic measures. He has voted against the law
Match. Which has defended Ezker Batua Berdeak, and the legitimacy of the proposal Ibarretxe consultation. The IU maintains that in really the right to self-determination, and argues that defending the rights and freedoms of the people vomit and Catalan, it is what makes losing votes in the rest of the state but are concessions to the powerful , or gifts as the government of Navarre UPN-PP, or focus on a process of dialogue and serious negotiations to resolve the Basque conflict. Which is restoring fraternal relations with the unions. In short, without breaking the parliamentary group led this year to vote against the State Budget, to continue and neoliberals. \\ u003c / p \\> \\ n \\ u003cp \\> \\ u003cspan style \\ u003d \\ "font-family: Arial \\" \\> Other item to the best procedure, but for me it is important enough. This direction Llamazares, is what has allowed the incorporation and recognition in the game UI to which I belong, the POR. This address is the current that has legalized Networks (Bastida sister). And also, who has a vision of Historical Memory closest to the body of traditions, antagonistic and confronted at the time of the revolution and civil war of 1936-1939. Llamazares up, at my suggestion, the POUM (Workers' Party of Marxist Unification) as a value and tradition to claim for IU, as well as participated in a committed way in the act of homage to Wilebaldo Solano in English courts. \\ u003c/span \\> \\ u003c / p \\> \\ n \\ u003cp \\> \\ u003cspan style \\ u003d \\ "font-family: Arial \\" \\> Be welcome confrontation with these policies, but it makes us need to teach all the cards. Fortunately, the membership will vote and decide. \\ U003c/span \\> \\ u003c / p \\> \\ n \\ u003cp style \\ u003d \\ "margin-bottom: 12pt; text-align: justify \\" \\> \\ u003cspan style \\ u003d \\ "font-family: Arial \\" \\> \\ u003c/span \\> \\ u003cspan style \\ u003d \\ "font-family: Arial \\" \\> Francesc Matas Salla \\ u003c/span \\> \\ u003cspan style \\ u003d \\ "font- family: Arial \\ "\\> \\ u003c/span \\> \\ u003c / p \\> \\ u003c / p \\> \\ u003c/div \\> \\ u003c/div \\> \\ u003c/font \\> \\ u003cbr \\> \\ u003cbr \\ > \\ n \\ n ", 0] ), D (["ce"]); //-->
Another internal maybe, but for me it is important enough. This direction Llamazares, is what has allowed the incorporation and recognition in the game UI to which I belong, the POR. This address is the current that has legalized Networks (Bastida sister). And also, which has a vision of Historical Memory Sea
welcome confrontation with these policies, but we need to teach all the cards. Fortunately, the membership will vote and decide.
Francesc Matas Salla
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