Friday, February 25, 2011

Jcpenney Warehouse Columbus Ohio


Following information recently published by GERENA GREEN in which informed and alert about the new savage gerenenses this equipment Municipal Government (PSOE) planned to take place in the beautiful Parque Natural Paraje emblematic of the hillside, which sought to halve a High Voltage Power Lines (20 KV) and two poles over 20 feet high, the City has issued a release , which has been posted on the official website of the City of Gerena, and which strongly denies that this new power line affect the Paraje Natural de El Berrocal.

In this release, the City of Gerena says:

... "The construction of the new line of medium voltage from Aznalcóllar, stood on the farm Mirandilla. Now start the work of the last phase with the installation of 18 poles, which will run parallel to the old cattle track Huelva Cordoba, prevent the park from El Berrocal to respect this place, and then enter the town by the new fair, at which the line bury up to the processing center Cañada Ancha ... "

and displays the next level, in which, indeed, one can see that the line does not affect the Park:

(Click on the image to view larger size)

foremost I would like to clarify that for GERENA GREEN is a great satisfaction and joy to know from the official website of the City of Gerena that the new High Voltage Power Line does not ultimately affect the Berry Park, and even I would like to publicly applaud the decision of the Team Municipal Government or ask apologies for my "suspicions", and would like to do, really I would, if it had I certainty and evidence, that behind this statement and the published map that could represent well for some superlative goodness of this Team, are hidden meanness that truly saddens me, hurt me and I'm concerned.

Dear friends, the reality is very different. The information published on GERENA GREEN about this new folly of crossing the Line of High Voltage Electric Park on Berry, has exacerbated the already growing discontent of a citizenry, which provides day to day stunned and powerless, how local policies of the Municipal Government Team (PSOE) are accompanied by a zero environmental sensitivity has already adopted the range of concern, and that is evident in every project with absolute contempt towards our natural assets. Given the logical

commotion has arisen in the public opinion of our people for the possibility of a new ecological attack against another of our Natural Areas, which also represents a beautiful space for leisure and recreation for the citizens, and fearing that the case could cause their dire electoral consequences for a few months of the municipal elections, the Government Team (PSOE) has chosen to lie again to gerenenses denying that the power line will cross the Park and rectified, and he does improvise a new path alternative that saves the Park but hides the truth. And the reality is that the line, if it crosses the park in two, although the socialist trumpets sold to the public boast this new improvised route the original project.

But GERENA GREEN Friends , to paraphrase Otto von Bismarck, German politician, never lies as much as before the election, during the war and after the hunt.

From here, I remind the team Local Government (PSOE), that famous phrase of the English poet Alexander Pope:

"Whoever tells a lie does not know what work has taken, because it will be forced to invent twenty more to support sure this first. "

Although most worrying thing I would say this case is that the Socialist government team that simply could have chosen first to recognize the error and corrected later by modifying the layout of the power line ( GERENA GREEN had publicly applauded this decision), chose the dirtiest way, or not recognizing the error and rectify the same time but once again lying to gerenenses to hide their misery.

As you all know, lies, have very short legs, and as popular refranería tells us, the sooner you catch a liar than a lame and that and once again demonstrate that the gerenenses GREEN GERENA never lies, I bring here today incontrovertible evidence that this equipment Municipal Government (PSOE) has returned once again to lie to gerenenses in the most vile and dishonest.


New Line Electric High Voltage (20KV), from Aznalcóllar, stood on the farm Mirandilla, and has recently begun work on the final phase with the installation of 18 poles, which run parallel to the old cattle track Huelva Cordoba, pass and cut in half the Parque de El Berrocal, later to access the town by the new fair, when where the line is buried up to the processing center Cañada Ancha.

Look at the following map the route of the original red line between the posts 15 and 16 (which are key in this whole affair) and the subsequent correction of the path to "improvise" the government team moving in Plano posts 15 and 16 about 200 feet from where they are and justify saves the Park:

We zoom level to view more detail:

And another zoom to focus on what concerns us:

But the Municipal Government Team (PSOE), in his infinite stupidity, thought that with the re-alignment of the electric line put in a plan would be sufficient to deceive once again to gerenenses and forgot a really important and key details, which can not be manipulated in a plane: the stakes of the bases numbered signs of the 18 posts of the line.

When you are installing a new electric line, the first thing the electric company is to mark the outline of the stakes using GPS and signaling at the site will be installed each one of the poles, so that operators when they start assembling the line know exactly where the poles are placed and the line is properly drawn.

Well, doing a tour of the line from Mirandilla, where there are already several posts set you can see how they all have their stakes marking the base, with the pole number that corresponds in the plane:

These photographs correspond to the pole number No. 5, on the banks of the river Guadiamar

Above and within the grove by the stream of the Cabra, find the post No. 6 and No. 7:

unusual sights around the post No. 7, the green stake that marks the exact center of the pole and that contained written No. 7. In the metal post is also written the No. 7:

From pole No. 7 have not yet nailed the posts, but if are marked with stakes the exact locations of all and each of the posts that make up the line, so up and up the path of the line crossed the road, we get into the cornfield in the sense Pizana Gerena and parallel to Cordoba, Huelva and Canada we are the stakes signal indicating the exact location of the poles N ° 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14.

And where is the post N º 15? Now where would be, dear friends, In Berry Park! GERENA denounced as GREEN. Look at the green stake signaling leads writing the No. 15 and the metal post that is inside the park because it also has written the No. 15:

And to complete the power line, go to the other end of the park inside the fence of the cow by Jerome "the Colorao" and we find the stakes marking the pole 16 and the metal post near the poles.

Therefore the poles N ° 15 and 16, bordering the Park of the hillside to save it and has had the indecency to say on the official website of the City Council this team of government (PSOE), attempting to discredit 's reporting GREEN GERENA , but breaks it in half as it reported a few days since this blog green.

Another thing is that the government team has been rectified at the last minute, improvise a new route, which I applaud and approve, but do not put false gallon green the City Council at the expense of tarnishing the information transparency of GERENA GREEN . And

this was abundantly demonstrated that GERENA GREEN never lies. Is the Municipal Government Team who lies and manipulates time and time again from the immunity granted power. Lords

Team Municipal Government (PSOE), once told them that had shaken the hornet's nest, and shaking a hornet's nest has many ballots being bitten wasps, and GREEN GERENA is a wasp in defense of Environment pica and strong, but the truth always bites.

not lie more to the people, take a time of environmental awareness and respect for nature and Gerena, otherwise wasps sting him again.

Ah! I hope that Councilman Environment assume political responsibility in this matter and resign, because for the disservice done that since the Environment Department we can save a salary and use that money for the next campaign "A gerenense, a tree."

A greeting ...

PS: I hope the new layout of the line is made along the Park finally has said flatly as the Municipal Government Team (PSOE), and there is no "bumping" of last-minute rush of the opening of the new exhibition center, which is the only card they have left to play for the next election, after 12 years of authoritarianism, sectarianism, and an endless urban wild list of environmental blunders.


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