Monday, February 28, 2011

American Average Dress Size

bikeways and install modules in Coyoacan Ecobici

in Coyoacán borough chief, Raul Flores, and the capital's environment secretary, Martha Delgado, inaugurated ciclocarriles and shared lanes up the first circuit for bikes in the historic center of that district.

This new cycle track joins the existing and the implementation of two new phases Ecobici System and Historical Center Colonia Roma, Polanco y Escandon, which aims to promote cycling for short journeys and help improve the environment.

Flores Garcia specified that this stretch of 17 kilometers meets international standards, it has 241 vertical signs, 170 information and 71 restrictive, and 23 indicators of attractions for tourism.

He said that in Coyoacán also installed Ecobici program modules, for which 20 million pesos allocated between the delegation and the central government.

turn, Delgado Peralta said the city government plans to build three cycle ways more similar to the one installed in the Paseo de la Reforma specifically.

He said a bike path be built six miles on the stretch of railway from Cuernavaca to Liege Street, connecting with the cycle lane of Paseo de la Reforma, a length of 12.8 kilometers.

The other way to build cycle will Juárez-Balderas, Eje Central Lázaro Cárdenas 800 meters long, Chapultepec-Sonora-November 20 with 9.4 miles and another of Álvaro Obregón, Cuauhtémoc Insurgentes-to 3.4 kilometers.

The local official said the cycling infrastructure in the city this year added 26.4 kilometers, with bicycle lanes and the extension of Ecobici system will help to boost daily trips by bike five percent for 2012.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Jcpenney Warehouse Columbus Ohio


Following information recently published by GERENA GREEN in which informed and alert about the new savage gerenenses this equipment Municipal Government (PSOE) planned to take place in the beautiful Parque Natural Paraje emblematic of the hillside, which sought to halve a High Voltage Power Lines (20 KV) and two poles over 20 feet high, the City has issued a release , which has been posted on the official website of the City of Gerena, and which strongly denies that this new power line affect the Paraje Natural de El Berrocal.

In this release, the City of Gerena says:

... "The construction of the new line of medium voltage from Aznalcóllar, stood on the farm Mirandilla. Now start the work of the last phase with the installation of 18 poles, which will run parallel to the old cattle track Huelva Cordoba, prevent the park from El Berrocal to respect this place, and then enter the town by the new fair, at which the line bury up to the processing center Cañada Ancha ... "

and displays the next level, in which, indeed, one can see that the line does not affect the Park:

(Click on the image to view larger size)

foremost I would like to clarify that for GERENA GREEN is a great satisfaction and joy to know from the official website of the City of Gerena that the new High Voltage Power Line does not ultimately affect the Berry Park, and even I would like to publicly applaud the decision of the Team Municipal Government or ask apologies for my "suspicions", and would like to do, really I would, if it had I certainty and evidence, that behind this statement and the published map that could represent well for some superlative goodness of this Team, are hidden meanness that truly saddens me, hurt me and I'm concerned.

Dear friends, the reality is very different. The information published on GERENA GREEN about this new folly of crossing the Line of High Voltage Electric Park on Berry, has exacerbated the already growing discontent of a citizenry, which provides day to day stunned and powerless, how local policies of the Municipal Government Team (PSOE) are accompanied by a zero environmental sensitivity has already adopted the range of concern, and that is evident in every project with absolute contempt towards our natural assets. Given the logical

commotion has arisen in the public opinion of our people for the possibility of a new ecological attack against another of our Natural Areas, which also represents a beautiful space for leisure and recreation for the citizens, and fearing that the case could cause their dire electoral consequences for a few months of the municipal elections, the Government Team (PSOE) has chosen to lie again to gerenenses denying that the power line will cross the Park and rectified, and he does improvise a new path alternative that saves the Park but hides the truth. And the reality is that the line, if it crosses the park in two, although the socialist trumpets sold to the public boast this new improvised route the original project.

But GERENA GREEN Friends , to paraphrase Otto von Bismarck, German politician, never lies as much as before the election, during the war and after the hunt.

From here, I remind the team Local Government (PSOE), that famous phrase of the English poet Alexander Pope:

"Whoever tells a lie does not know what work has taken, because it will be forced to invent twenty more to support sure this first. "

Although most worrying thing I would say this case is that the Socialist government team that simply could have chosen first to recognize the error and corrected later by modifying the layout of the power line ( GERENA GREEN had publicly applauded this decision), chose the dirtiest way, or not recognizing the error and rectify the same time but once again lying to gerenenses to hide their misery.

As you all know, lies, have very short legs, and as popular refranería tells us, the sooner you catch a liar than a lame and that and once again demonstrate that the gerenenses GREEN GERENA never lies, I bring here today incontrovertible evidence that this equipment Municipal Government (PSOE) has returned once again to lie to gerenenses in the most vile and dishonest.


New Line Electric High Voltage (20KV), from Aznalcóllar, stood on the farm Mirandilla, and has recently begun work on the final phase with the installation of 18 poles, which run parallel to the old cattle track Huelva Cordoba, pass and cut in half the Parque de El Berrocal, later to access the town by the new fair, when where the line is buried up to the processing center Cañada Ancha.

Look at the following map the route of the original red line between the posts 15 and 16 (which are key in this whole affair) and the subsequent correction of the path to "improvise" the government team moving in Plano posts 15 and 16 about 200 feet from where they are and justify saves the Park:

We zoom level to view more detail:

And another zoom to focus on what concerns us:

But the Municipal Government Team (PSOE), in his infinite stupidity, thought that with the re-alignment of the electric line put in a plan would be sufficient to deceive once again to gerenenses and forgot a really important and key details, which can not be manipulated in a plane: the stakes of the bases numbered signs of the 18 posts of the line.

When you are installing a new electric line, the first thing the electric company is to mark the outline of the stakes using GPS and signaling at the site will be installed each one of the poles, so that operators when they start assembling the line know exactly where the poles are placed and the line is properly drawn.

Well, doing a tour of the line from Mirandilla, where there are already several posts set you can see how they all have their stakes marking the base, with the pole number that corresponds in the plane:

These photographs correspond to the pole number No. 5, on the banks of the river Guadiamar

Above and within the grove by the stream of the Cabra, find the post No. 6 and No. 7:

unusual sights around the post No. 7, the green stake that marks the exact center of the pole and that contained written No. 7. In the metal post is also written the No. 7:

From pole No. 7 have not yet nailed the posts, but if are marked with stakes the exact locations of all and each of the posts that make up the line, so up and up the path of the line crossed the road, we get into the cornfield in the sense Pizana Gerena and parallel to Cordoba, Huelva and Canada we are the stakes signal indicating the exact location of the poles N ° 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14.

And where is the post N º 15? Now where would be, dear friends, In Berry Park! GERENA denounced as GREEN. Look at the green stake signaling leads writing the No. 15 and the metal post that is inside the park because it also has written the No. 15:

And to complete the power line, go to the other end of the park inside the fence of the cow by Jerome "the Colorao" and we find the stakes marking the pole 16 and the metal post near the poles.

Therefore the poles N ° 15 and 16, bordering the Park of the hillside to save it and has had the indecency to say on the official website of the City Council this team of government (PSOE), attempting to discredit 's reporting GREEN GERENA , but breaks it in half as it reported a few days since this blog green.

Another thing is that the government team has been rectified at the last minute, improvise a new route, which I applaud and approve, but do not put false gallon green the City Council at the expense of tarnishing the information transparency of GERENA GREEN . And

this was abundantly demonstrated that GERENA GREEN never lies. Is the Municipal Government Team who lies and manipulates time and time again from the immunity granted power. Lords

Team Municipal Government (PSOE), once told them that had shaken the hornet's nest, and shaking a hornet's nest has many ballots being bitten wasps, and GREEN GERENA is a wasp in defense of Environment pica and strong, but the truth always bites.

not lie more to the people, take a time of environmental awareness and respect for nature and Gerena, otherwise wasps sting him again.

Ah! I hope that Councilman Environment assume political responsibility in this matter and resign, because for the disservice done that since the Environment Department we can save a salary and use that money for the next campaign "A gerenense, a tree."

A greeting ...

PS: I hope the new layout of the line is made along the Park finally has said flatly as the Municipal Government Team (PSOE), and there is no "bumping" of last-minute rush of the opening of the new exhibition center, which is the only card they have left to play for the next election, after 12 years of authoritarianism, sectarianism, and an endless urban wild list of environmental blunders.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Materace Janpol Gdynia

PERSONAL ... BUT no rush

guess you will not be one of those parents who have one or more of their children out of work and economic hardship passing go and buy a Rolex or a Ferrari or both, as I assume that, having been for years while President Sampedrino Councillor Langreo, encouraged or assisted, from both positions, the creation of the Circle Air Jesús Fernández Duro, Association is a founding member and do not know if also a director. It seems to me rather than defend your body. Duke has not attacked at any time, just as it has done neither you nor any other partner association. He says it when he says that on occasion he congratulated me on any of my writings. True, it has done once. A. When from these lines got in solfa a decision of his successor in Celebration, remember? Obviously at that time our column fit your interests. However, in some similar as is the case at hand and that has led him to send his writing through these pages, felt offended and on behalf of who knows what or who says that "Museums are not harmful." And he attends all right, but has lacked the staff to conclude that pissed off. A lot. Especially if one considers the proven aeronautical tradition of this council.

A recent study published in nte this newspaper made an inventory of existing museums in the Basin and, about three dozen of their analysis, saying that "... several museum projects are completed without equipment. At least half a dozen of buildings are empty of content, without a soul, though in some cases even promoted. Visitors who come to them are with their doors locked even though some of these works have invested hundreds of millions "(sic). Similarly, a few days ago, a citizen said in LNE Digital Editing "I'm going to spend his days walking with hands in the bags for my people visiting museums without work" (sic). On the other hand, the presence of our mayor in the presentation of the last 29 Museum and words denoting the support of the Corporation to that idea. Financial and / or management, as given. We do not believe that only they have provided support moral. Esta es la triste realidad y esto es lo que Duke y quien suscribe han criticado. Podemos equivocarnos, si es así nuestras disculpas a quien proceda, pero estamos convencidos de que esto no es lo que Langreo necesita en estos tiempos. Pensamos además que ese gasto es obsceno e inmoral. Si lo va a hacer la asociación, allá ustedes con sus dineros. En caso de que éstos fueran públicos, alguien tendrá que dar explicaciones. En cualquier caso, nosotros escribimos aquí para dar nuestra opinión. Acertada o no, al final el tiempo y los ciudadanos son quienes dan y quitan razones.

En nuestra ciudad deberíamos poder enseñar a los visitantes, y también sentirnos orgullosos, primero of our prosperity in the broadest sense of the term, and after the remnants of the past do not necessarily have to be better. The first is the welfare of the population, after the museums. But that count for something more positive than the glory of their drivers. Warm regards.

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Sunday, February 20, 2011

Will Shaving Irratate My Gental Herpes


The list of atrocities against the environment that the Municipal Government Team (PSOE) is taking place in our town seems endless. And is that the mayor and council members have suggested not to leave head puppet with regard to Natural Areas of our people and go if you are getting. Trás PGOU pretend to boot more than 4000 olive trees and oaks urbanized areas of high ecological value as pasture or about Kirriki against football field, now it's the turn of the Parque del Berrocal.

Team Municipal Government (PSOE) intends to cross a high voltage power lines with poles over 20 feet right down the middle of the Parque del Berrocal, crossing even part of the lake and causing a brutal and disastrous visual impact this landmark landscape and natural beauties of our people. Another blunder over Jacinto Pereira Mayor and Councillors, which as you can see the photographs that illustrate this article, is about to be completed, as the mounting posts is underway.

The power line split in two this beautiful picture of Berry Park (Top).

From GERENA GREEN not understand that the City Council will continue Gerena thus neglecting the Natural Places of our people and have not sought other alternatives to the path of the High Voltage Power Lines for example along the periphery of the park to avoid involvement.

GREEN GERENA alert the people of Gerena, and warns the Municipal Government Team (PSOE), that both the high voltage power line and poles in the park will poses a serious risk of electric shock to the many children and teenagers who frequent this recreational and leisure is the Parque del Berrocal, especially on weekends, so called "sanity" to the City and reminds you that prevention is better now than sorry tomorrow misfortunes. On the other hand, it so happens, that many residents of our town will go fishing for carp Lake Park of the hillside, and as the fishing rods are mostly carbon fiber and therefore excellent conductors of electricity is also a high risk of electrical leads from proximity of the line that it might cause trouble. It happened a similar case a young man from the village of Guildford on the banks, who died of an electrical shunt tended to the fishing pole he was carrying, Young also well known and loved in our town as a student at the IES Gerena. GREEN GERENA

also warned the City Council that this new nonsense will be a high risk of collision with power line for waterfowl flying over the park, both for domestic species (geese), and for the Wildcats (cormorants, herons and imperial, mallards, etc ...), and thus cause the death of many birds, being the Socialist government team leading role.

GERENA GREEN Gerena requires the City Council to immediately halt the assembly of the power line to find an alternative route that not affect the park and also requires explanations Middle Councilman Environment, Mr. Juan Marquez that this step is known as the Alderman Gerena Anti-Environment, and calls on the opposition political forces that lead to this new atrocity Full Team Municipal Government (PSOE).

If not immediately suspending the assembly of the power line and seeking alternatives to the layout do not affect the Park, GERENA GREEN launch a campaign to inform citizens door to door, to make known to all gerenenses this new outrage Team Municipal Government (PSOE) and a statement will be sent to all regional and provincial press.

A greeting ...


Saturday, February 12, 2011

Coolermaster V8 Zalman Cnps10x

M any times that is what must be done. Turn back to back on the road safely. But, today all are rushing to come. No one knows exactly where, but hurry anyway. A few years ago, many lost in the horizon of the past, supposed to travel to another province an entire epic. Preparation, baggage, reservations, without forgetting the last minute snacks, thermos with soup or coffee bags in case the child gets dizzy and endless details that we do not have in mind. Short trips lasted for days, long to tell. Links in Soto de Rey, for sale in Bath or the Tordillo Pola. Get off the car, settle into the station and wait until the next convoy would deign to appear on the terminal. Meanwhile, children, everyone with the same refrain: Are we there yet?, When the train arrives?, Or want to pee. Such was the railway adventure at that time, all the kings we asked a train. Years later, the new and modern infrastructure, when everybody had a utilitarian and traveled by road, made all that we saw on TV "Papa, come to train." Alvia did not yet exist, nor bird, nor even their project. Was the time to travel to Oviedo to Madrid at the Express had eight or nine hours. Today, when the same journey by car is just over cu atro, or five if it is bus or train, we arrive first and be more comfortable. Every time we ask for more. Every time we settle for less. The

Alvia withdrawal of units that provided service between Asturias and the capital of the Kingdom to exchange them for others with similar characteristics, as they say, has brought a whole repertoire of protests, motions, requests for hearings, etc., etc. And right in the debate are those who rule on that and tell us the new terminal is completed in León will delay the journey because, when entering a siding provisionally to drop off and pick up passengers, the units must be of reverse maneuver to continue the journey. We are protesting again. As if they had to return to La Robla and make a run. Although not yet encryption delay, presumably not more than a few minutes. Everything for which Leo has a station m ore and more modern and better services. Or do not produce our underground disorders? That's it.

This entry into a dead end and a small setback for everything to modernize and further progress in either the English, should also apply to national politics. And politicians. Stop, go back to the days of dignity, seriousness, good work and good words, take time to think, perhaps to rest, and pick up other ways, with other more generous provision and other philosophies. No hurry, but without pausing. It may take more, but will guarantee safe arrival more smoothly. Think about it.

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Wednesday, February 9, 2011

How To Program Star Choice 4in1 Remote

Inter with Mimo

Today I show the exchange I had with the blog Rocio The Casperilla Crafts , a blog full of sympathy and cute stuff (I invite you to know).

Thank you so much for this interest, the brooch is very nice and the ring with that pattern ... very spring!! A kiss.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

United Redeem Cancelled Miles

Joking aside

And okay a course on computer applications, web page design, welding, prevention of occupational hazards and other nonsense. Now that we have a Aeronautical Museum, but not today, tomorrow, it would be advisable to train the troops of the tails of INEM with free courses Mirage pilots, Harriet, gliding and parachuting. For example. Or an air traffic controller, which more and mola there is no need beating about the clouds. It's no joke. In Valencia they are already doing. They can unemployed get the title of Master of sports and recreational boats, yacht Pattern, or become an expert in history of the labor movement, or in union elections. There are immoral man would say my amigu Jero. Have been oblivious to the professional courses approved by the Merchant Marine, of course, are none of those and the momentum of the UGT and the aid of the Department of Employment and European Social Fund, under the slogan "For your rights "have called about five hundred s workshops for the unemployed to be financed with public money. Each costs around the 1,000 mortadella and none of them will future graduates to find work but the degree seen a lot, go if you saw. Imagine that you bring to the competition a few places gardeners to Manises, say and, speaking of the land of flowers, and go a few thousand more than half a million unemployed who have the Community. As with the clever and savvy that have proven the patches rails would not be surprising that these places were awarded to any pattern of catamaran. Trimming, pruning what is said, they could not, but shit you surf.

And in today's world of what it is to navigate, all tried. So when someone you met in the street that asks "what are you?" Instead of answering with the recurring "I pull" do it with the most modern and euphemistic "browse as I can", or something. But here, ours will be the navigation, that's what the guys in the Chacon will give us a Mirage and a Museum of Esther. Then it would be desirable for the UGT union convene these courses to EFET. Pilot and pilot, parachutist and paracaidisto, and drivers and controllers, air and air. It is shown that the unemployed and Langreo stops are prepared (as) and their respective (AS) degrees and diplomas. So, henceforth, when we make the famous question, we will "go flying."

we repeat, is no joke. For b blunt we have enough with the outrageous and crazy inventions of those who govern and those who want to send, why not? What happens is that in addition to not work at all, these great cost a bundle that could well be used on more productive, create jobs, that much we miss, and that the less wake the hope and the illusion of citizens who have lost long ago. As we have done on other occasions, politicians and members would ask them to approach and professionalism to handle public funds. That is not the time for extravagance. Please.

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Friday, February 4, 2011

Grapefruit Vs Cardizem


The Governing Council of the Andalusian Government has approved the Decree that supposedly is designed to facilitate the administrative procedures in the parks, but in fact it aims to encourage speculative development in these protected natural areas. Contrary to the promises of sr. Minister for the Environment and against which is secured in the review made public after the Governing Council, the Decree makes it clear that General Plans Urban municipalities (Plan) to be approved from now on will have precedence over the standards for the protection of national parks, the Management Plan of Natural Resources (PORN) and the Master Plan for Use and Management (PRUG .)

Thus, the transitional provision 2 nd states that "The forecast urban concerning parameters of construction and design features contained in the general rules of PORN and PRUG of different parks, shall apply until they are finally approved, and after the entry into force of this decree, the relevant development plans ... " and once approved the PGOUs longer be effective in that town planning regulations of that decree. But it is not there, the Act empowers the Minister to amend PRUG PORN and natural parks to "adapt" to the urban plans (Disposal fourteenth-e), and even, in paragraph f) of that provision entitling him to "adapt" the boundaries of national parks when modifying "the criteria which led to the establishment of the threshold and the outcome of the process of demarcation of the public domain." That is, an area damaged by fire, or discharges illegal developments could be excluded from the natural park by decision of the hearing. If you change the boundary of dunes and wetlands, may also be excluded from the park. And all by arbitrary decision of the director, no public inquiry or cooking or report of the Governing Boards of parks, contrary to established law.

This Decree is beyond anything imaginable in political nonsense and in violation of legal norms of higher rank, such as the Law 42/2007 of Natural Heritage and Biodiversity (LPNB), the State Basic Law prescribes that no development plans may contradict the standards of protection of national parks (PORN and PRUG) and in any case should be subject to its determinations. Ecologists in Action warns of serious consequences that will have this decree since it may encourage a race of city councils to approve new plans which are more permissive to construction in the parks. In addition, the Board is launching from the false and dangerous message that the solution to the crisis is to relax the planning rules in the parks.

Ecologists in Action will use this decree to TSJA, considering it null and void and report him to the European Union, since 23 of the 24 national parks are protected as Sites of Community legislation Community Interest (SCI).

Thursday, February 3, 2011

My Wife's Intense Lesbian Experience


T enia a woman in her home banner, one of those breathtaking. And your breath. The teaching in social events and boasted of being the owner of that beauty but beyond them, not doing enough to cultivate his love to please. Anyway she wanted her way. She was used to be used, unless more to him than a sex object. Not for nothing had been there same in their previous marriages. One day I saw on television was part of a group of men and women, almost all married like him, who cheered a recently divorced woman with a lifetime home. She had started walking, he did succeed and, at long last decided to leave for a simple disdain. I wanted to create a new home and were crazy to share it with her. They thought that there would be better, she would give them more relevant when before did not. But do they, in turn, to divorce. Some did and left his house when they saw the response of others who were in the same case. But few, including he was our hero, decided to stay and the two sticks in hopes of getting some return when you decide to choose which to stay. And she knew, the less suspected. Until days later saw him in the same circumstances, this time in a newspaper photograph. Was at the forefront to cheering for that tremendous woman. It was then that he turned on the light.

But I could not do anything about it. Although the issue was already on the street and all the neighbors talked about it, her husband persisted in his attitude, dragging some, perhaps all, of their children and not just put the cards face up and tell the other left. What ingratitude, and what nerve! It had to settle for stand by that man would deign to give its decision. I'm staying or going. And that's all.

Any resemblance to reality is pure c oincidencia, and many of you will know. Because, as in the case of our fictional protagonist horned, have seen in the press on Sunday Langreo a popular leader in the forefront of the act the day before had taken place at a hotel in Pola de Siero applauding the speech of former vice president and former minister of the government of Aznar. Sunday was the same in the act of another leader witnessing Luarca firm membership forum will be the presidential candidate. It was known that in Langreo Helmets favored, but we wondered, as we did last week ("Who's on the list?") - If members of Langreo Pepe would be loyal to his party and if you take too long communicating and divorce him. And yesterday they have. Council leaders and leave with their loyalties and their music elsewhere. With Paco Helmets, as expected. And next election, which always leave her house without municipal group beheaded, although they are left with the strange excuse that would not give Langreo absolute majority to the Socialists, forget that those same citizens wanted to vote for the popular, and they are no longer by choice. If other militant should occupy these councils. They are the party. At least I think. And you?

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