Friday, April 29, 2011

How Much Does It Cost To Put A Weave Full Head


E n this sentence Laviana young mayor, Adrian Barbon, summarized what the local Albino Suárez Cortina author wanted to convey to his readers in his latest book "Those who became" presented last Wednesday in the town CIDAN whole of Spain was pending when the third game of the year, or century or who knows. The author himself admitted to send some friends an e-mail in which we realized the event and invited us "no-English wine for no mistakes," to be present at the ceremony: "I have chosen this day ".

Prolific Author Laviano, not in vain has self-published more than fifty publications (not counting his magazine "High Nalón published for 25 consecutive years), took this opportunity to remember those who fell into the mine and never returned, of a long list of young and old men who never returned from their cruel work in the pits. It paid off well, in part, a moral debt to the collective history of the council. Is the author himself was a miner and had this slope. And through hard work and field research collected a wealth of stories, in many cases of shame, that happened in Laviana since last Century (1924) until 1990. The author says that "the mine so full of stories and tragedies that have left many debts in those preserves that have opened their adits, here is another outstanding debt to history. Say how many men have been killed in the pit, underground. And why are muted so .... " The author's poems as inherently linked to a personalized accompany many of the stories that tells us the length of over two hundred pages of the book: "tell us how many were / the dead miners: / How many dead incurred / underground and who died / on the ends that opened / and then, and fallen with silenced forgetfulness / owners and businesses fled / without saying how many were / miners killed ...!? "(sic).

From the holocaust of La Sota in 1924, which killed 10 miners up to thirty years laviana dead Anievas Area in 1990, Albino Suarez takes a look at the sad history of this activity in the council. Profusely illustrated with photos of the unfortunate protagonists reviews on their pages so sad and tragic stories like the three deaths which he describes as deliberate, of real murders, as s occurred in a mine between Blimea Barredos and, like that family of four brothers killed in the Castañal or violent deaths of a father and his six children. Or the cases of those who, being on the verge of marriage, lost their lives in the well days before the wedding. " The mine, all darkness, / is the den of death / and the inferno of Luck and the horror of cordura. / Is the noose, the narrowness / that rips the whole life / is the whip in the wound and feet is the marten. / And the flesh is in the wedge / us and not be forgotten. (Sic).

Finally, in "not again", Albino Smith shows us several stories, and last but never forgotten in a careful and well-edited book I recommend wholeheartedly. Not just a list of the dead, but our history. Congratulations Master!.


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