Saturday, November 27, 2010

The Levels Of Picachu


As you all know, last October 26, 2010, Gerena City Council held a public information about the General Plan. Well, in this act, our Mr. Mayor, one of his usual attacks of pride and arrogance to which we are accustomed to, and emulating the character of those spaghetti-western movies, for all embarrassed gerenenses, says defiantly:

"... If that is an urban rabble ...¡¡ That I want what I say to myself in my face! I want to say it in my face! .. But do not use the cowardice to put through in my face ...¡¡! I am willing to discuss with WHO IS !!..."

Dear Friends GERENA GREEN , I understand the embarrassment they may have occurred through the words of our mayor, but unfortunately there are no more wax burning. Although the concern of the case I would say is that after taking that cock in his chest in defiance corral every citizen who dares to question the General Urban Plan (Plan), and ensure that it is willing to discuss with whom That is, our Mayor is hidden and not show his face.

Mr. Mayor, is consistent with their words and not hide. If you say you are willing to discuss that with whoever, you must keep its word and public debate on the General Plan, but do not hide Mr. Mayor, do not hide ... and face to the people.

Two days later the Mayor of pronouncing these words, GREEN GERENA held a "Public Act Citizen Information on the new PGOU urban atrocities" and both the act and the final the same before the cameras of TeleGerena, GREEN GERENA takes the floor to the Mayor and invited him to a public debate in TeleGerena:

Well, is coming to an end the public exhibition period of the General Plan document and therefore the claims submission period (7 of December) and GERENA GREEN still awaiting the Mayor and his technicians to discuss TeleGerena publicly in the General Plan.

have also recently been invited to the Agora Tertulia Gerena, with the idea to discuss the General Plan, the city model, participation, etc. ..

Invitations were sent to the Councillor for Planning (3 times declined the invitation); another member of the Governing Body (not accepted), someone on behalf of the PSOE (rejected for 2 times), the architect-editor (not answered), the municipal architect (not answered), it has even made an offer public in the blogosphere to bring along someone who is in favor of the General Plan (nobody has offered).

from the attitude of Mr. Mayor and the Municipal Government Team indicates that no interest in discussing anything. Best imposing on the debate.

And you may wonder, why the Mayor does not attend a public debate TeleGerena?

Very simple, dear friends, the reason is that they know they can not defend what is indefensible. The Mayor and his administration are aware that they have no argument to support this Plan, at the shatter to Gerena. On the other hand, many economic interests result of speculation that are at stake and dependent on final approval of the General Plan. For this reason do not want to enter into any discussion in which publicly come to light all the dark interests underlying each of the development which includes the document. Are aware that entering into a public debate on the General Plan, bare arguments would be something akin to political suicide. Are aware that there is still a majority of citizens do not have internet access and is not aware of the atrocities which includes urban planning document. And both are aware that public misinformation is a major asset that plays to their favor.

not forget that the strategy of the Municipal Government Team has been clear since the initial approval of the document. Fanatically entrenched in the defense of some interests other than the generals, the Mayor and his administration (PSOE) have been spent on the one hand, to lie and confuse with demagogic speeches to the public, and the other to attack and discredit all citizens who have dedicated ourselves to truthfully inform the public about Machiavellian intentions of hiding this General Plan. When they have cleared each and every one of his demagogic arguments have focused secillamente to say that everything is a lie and that everything is due to a political strategy to attack the government team.

Therefore, it is clear that if there is someone who uses "cowardice to say through ...",'s our Mayor, which challenges and challenges from a Public Act Institutional and then hides which frightened lamb behind a computer to conduct "virtual meetings" with neighbors, where he knows full well that no round of written submissions that he can remove his lies and therefore always going to take the bull by the mango.

I know it is sad but there is.

A greeting ...


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