As you all know, last October 26, 2010, Gerena City Council held a public information about the General Plan. Well, in this act, our Mr. Mayor, one of his usual attacks of pride and arrogance to which we are accustomed to, and emulating the character of those spaghetti-western movies, for all embarrassed gerenenses, says defiantly:
"... If that is an urban rabble ...¡¡ That I want what I say to myself in my face! I want to say it in my face! .. But do not use the cowardice to put through in my face ...¡¡! I am willing to discuss with WHO IS !!..."
Dear Friends GERENA GREEN , I understand the embarrassment they may have occurred through the words of our mayor, but unfortunately there are no more wax burning. Although the concern of the case I would say is that after taking that cock in his chest in defiance corral every citizen who dares to question the General Urban Plan (Plan), and ensure that it is willing to discuss with whom That is, our Mayor is hidden and not show his face.
Mr. Mayor, is consistent with their words and not hide. If you say you are willing to discuss that with whoever, you must keep its word and public debate on the General Plan, but do not hide Mr. Mayor, do not hide ... and face to the people.
Two days later the Mayor of pronouncing these words, GREEN GERENA held a "Public Act Citizen Information on the new PGOU urban atrocities" and both the act and the final the same before the cameras of TeleGerena, GREEN GERENA takes the floor to the Mayor and invited him to a public debate in TeleGerena:
Well, is coming to an end the public exhibition period of the General Plan document and therefore the claims submission period (7 of December) and GERENA GREEN still awaiting the Mayor and his technicians to discuss TeleGerena publicly in the General Plan.
have also recently been invited to the Agora Tertulia Gerena, with the idea to discuss the General Plan, the city model, participation, etc. ..
Invitations were sent to the Councillor for Planning (3 times declined the invitation); another member of the Governing Body (not accepted), someone on behalf of the PSOE (rejected for 2 times), the architect-editor (not answered), the municipal architect (not answered), it has even made an offer public in the blogosphere to bring along someone who is in favor of the General Plan (nobody has offered).
from the attitude of Mr. Mayor and the Municipal Government Team indicates that no interest in discussing anything. Best imposing on the debate.
And you may wonder, why the Mayor does not attend a public debate TeleGerena?
Very simple, dear friends, the reason is that they know they can not defend what is indefensible. The Mayor and his administration are aware that they have no argument to support this Plan, at the shatter to Gerena. On the other hand, many economic interests result of speculation that are at stake and dependent on final approval of the General Plan. For this reason do not want to enter into any discussion in which publicly come to light all the dark interests underlying each of the development which includes the document. Are aware that entering into a public debate on the General Plan, bare arguments would be something akin to political suicide. Are aware that there is still a majority of citizens do not have internet access and is not aware of the atrocities which includes urban planning document. And both are aware that public misinformation is a major asset that plays to their favor.
not forget that the strategy of the Municipal Government Team has been clear since the initial approval of the document. Fanatically entrenched in the defense of some interests other than the generals, the Mayor and his administration (PSOE) have been spent on the one hand, to lie and confuse with demagogic speeches to the public, and the other to attack and discredit all citizens who have dedicated ourselves to truthfully inform the public about Machiavellian intentions of hiding this General Plan. When they have cleared each and every one of his demagogic arguments have focused secillamente to say that everything is a lie and that everything is due to a political strategy to attack the government team.
Therefore, it is clear that if there is someone who uses "cowardice to say through ...",'s our Mayor, which challenges and challenges from a Public Act Institutional and then hides which frightened lamb behind a computer to conduct "virtual meetings" with neighbors, where he knows full well that no round of written submissions that he can remove his lies and therefore always going to take the bull by the mango.
On October 26, 2010, Gerena City Council held a public information about the General Plan. At the ceremony involved the Town Planning Councillor, Mayor, Writer Architect and the Architect Municipal Plan.
The case is that after the intervention of Councillor Mrs Urban it was the turn to the Mayor of Gerena D. Jacinto Pereira Espada, among many other lies says
"... We need to hear that if apartment buildings of 4 floors, that if hundreds of oaks , if not 4000 olive trees ... 4,000, 400,000! False, false, that is slanderous! macrohotel What if someone in the Palace ... second line reads ... "
gerenenses As all know, all these actions urban planning mayor accused of falsehood and slander contained in the General Plan. In the case of Blocks 3 and 4 floors and set in the General Plan and anyone can see by reading the document on the part of the "Town Planning Regulations" and also remind the Mayor that the team of Municipal Government (PSOE ) stepped out in a public statement acknowledging it was true but was an Editor Technical error, although the actual Technician Act does not say that is a goof, but "he thought was the right thing in terms of sustainability, "which involves asking what would have happened if GERENA GREEN not alert to this fact? leaving bare the tremendous irresponsibility of the government team to send the document to public exhibition PGOU without even having overseen its content.
On the subject of trees, Mayor tell that they are not 400,000, as you say in his speech of pride, but they are about 4,000 olive trees which would begin with the execution of this General Plan, and also over 100 century-old oaks. If you're willing, GREEN GERENA it demonstrates once again with plans in hand, whenever and wherever you want. I remember that I am still waiting to come to discuss with TeleGerena GREEN GERENA the General Plan. What are you afraid Mr. Mayor? The
Macro-theme at the Palace Hotel is also on the General Plan, and so the world can all be found in document, but also the Technical Editor of the Plan, the Information Act on the General Plan of the City, confirms contradicting the words of the mayor. GREEN GERENA
therefore requires the immediate resignation of Mayor of Gerena, Jacinto Pereira shameful for lying so all gerenenses, incurring a serious offense against the democratic principles of transparency and honesty to the public that should govern the behavior of a mayor.
I leave the video below for you to analyze all Gerena, where the Technical Editor after much beating around the bush confirms that it will build on the side of the Palace such as advanced GERENA GREEN, contradicting the words of Mr. Mayor. But it also confirms that there are two units of action:
A Hill West of where you want to brush the traditional farm houses that are part of the unity of the palace and integrating the whole historical picture Gerena, to make a Macro-Hotel, which the technician called Parador, (which I explain the difference), and also justifies shamelessly saying that "distort" and "pollute" the image of Gerena:
And the other action, to the east, on the slopes of Cerro and behind the water tank, which will be built, if not already in Gerena had no more houses. In addition, the Technical Editor also attempts to justify what is shameful to say that is a very degraded. Contemplating the historical image of Gerena gives me my impression that what is truly degraded is the professionalism of a technique that has been sold outright to the political will of a government team (PSOE) has already lost once the roles and has been proposed Gerena destroy whoever falls.
ASPEN03 The other is that I call The Hill, the hill of gerena, the image is emblematic of the photo, where Palacio sees that apparently belongs to a gentleman, a nobleman who do not know, who retains his title and now has an agricultural use. It has an area enclosed by the black line, which has a very important asset value, no longer required that the Plan will protect it's own sectoral legislation that protects the heritage, like that of the Ministry of Culture and it is protegiendoo, is in its catalog from the beginning, has been included in the new catalog Gerena, well supervised and approved and that ultimately, are items with an equity value that the General Plan recognizes and detects but regardless of that, thank God, Current policy development provides sufficient safeguards to be protected. Then it is protected, is protected, secure and confident to continue the Plan simply provides or proposes to make viable protection ...
To the left of the black line, which is the one that has heritage value, to the west (where it's A) is a series of buildings that are some ships that are distorting the picture is ... do not have any value What they are is to establish a significant contamination of the existing zone.
To the right is a sinuous line SE, and in general the whole area E that edge E is a very degraded that I met because I got up and I imagine that people in Gerena know him. Sometimes, it is perceived but if someone is willing to upload an image is regrettable that we had to give a response figure it appears there is the Special Plan says it is an area with heritage value, with a degraded urban image, with a building of great historical value which is the palace, we have the area of \u200b\u200bthe church near the City [...].
one hand we have some problems, and other economic values. There are buildings that are degrading the image and we are establishing a plan for many years has to be developed and proposed by this plan is that if houses are not built there will forget that, because that does not give money, and obviously must invest in thinking what to do with that. We must make a special plan and if it says this what are the guidelines PGOU of this Special Plan, which are:
1) protect the equity that has that monumental
2) protect the scenic value of that hill
3) to provide solutions to urban problems that are there:
3.a) The buildings, the rear of the building that has at its edge E and the building that is next to the palace of agricultural character that term disappears because there is a site for the further development and eventually disappear there. Well this Special Plan recommends that the solution to these guidelines.
the other hand, establishes two limits: one is the line discontinuous great that he will, "will be an architect or a planner, I ask you to please understand what is working, not the first thing you pay ... will have to consider that area to analyze and respond to. I just do what I propose is: look, fix what you have there. From my experience I say, let's have a palatial palace or finance structure, ie, has a difficult type adaptable for residential housing. Obviously, neither could be used for transforming tertiary sense ... Why these two uses are not compatible? Because applications are clearly private or public, that private if not be profitable without degrading the values is natural, nor would it be profitable from the standpoint of public housing, since public money would be paid for something that should be social and if they will lose their heritage values \u200b\u200b ... What are the two applications admit that area? From my understanding as a coach, would give an institutional use (administration building) or building private or public but to respond to the type of a building connected to the hotel to be developed on a building of heritage character, it is we call a heel rest.
So that will develop public or private initiative and marked from the plan rules under which lets you develop ...
In what areas are going to have? It turns out that the person who owns it, is the owner of all the hill, that hill is not public, is private property and although it probably did not know but it was urban land. Might have been tempted, I understand that when we live and for some time now could not do, but in another era might have made home there and I think few people would have objected We're talking about land that was urban, which could be built, was not public and although it was surrounded by vegetation was not a free space. That's not an urban space now urban land is a municipality of Gerena privately owned. To which this PG do not know whether to say whether there had been a time or not, but you are setting the guidelines under which it can proceed. So on the one hand maintain that building, with the features it has, on the other side of the building of these ships can transform the building (new building) linked to all your plant there as I need the problem solutions I have with the rear of the east, in the area I am going to build, I will somehow allow sealing or authorize to seal the building and dignify the area. This marked area is not mandatory but it does indicate that the solution in that area can go out there, could complete the set with a edificalidad bajísma, which would be equivalent almost to a plant, that is, that spot would have a tall plant, that would be undetectable because what is at hand most have two, but if you had two no longer have that extension would be much thinner yet. And in the other area is already built, meaning that virtually tell this gentleman who has owned urban land to say that given a way out, which should protect the heritage and nobody does anything without obviously not given out I was encouraged to do so, shall be in a fairly respects and is forced to leave the hill all the space as free space, and part is going to have to give the municipality of Gerena and part will be able to use open spaces linked to the installation. Such intervention can not go there without prior preparation of a special plan to analyze the problem from the standpoint of assets or a plan that when drafted, must be approved and publicly displayed and a plan that will be protected by the administration Culture, which will closely follow what is done there because in the same plan is telling you there is something important and good will in due course ...
After the speech the Technical Editor, I hope that there is little doubt about who is lying and who is not, in this case the General Plan. I also hope that have been made clear the intentions of this Machiavellian government team in terms of "urban actions" that the General Plan includes the Old Town. I also hope that there is little doubt as to how petty lying to the citizens of the Mayor, on the other hand has over indecency and political shamelessness published in a Bulletin of the PSOE a "thermometer of Morality", where is the name of the Association for the Defense of the Territory of Aljarafe (ADTA) (Andalusia Prize for the Environment Urban Sustainability) which it accuses of spreading lies and slander on the General Plan, which are otherwise the same truths that the Technical Editor of the Plan has been recognized. Also refers to the "thermometer" the Administrator of this blog who is accused of being radical and insult people.
Gerena Mr. Mayor, let me tell you, that you with their lies to the people of Gerena, who insults people and who should be in the last place that call "Thermometer of morality", and non-citizens that their only crime was to inform the public of the aberrations that include such PGOU and that you, entrenched in the defense of other interests, are hidden.
Mr. Mayor, you resign immediately because you long ago ceased to represent the gerenenses.
Click on the image and link to the website of the Association for the Defence of the Realm of Aljarafe (ADTA), which will have at your disposal a collective Paper Claim, or Claim-Model the General Plan of Gerena. The document, a two-sided sheet, is in Word file, for anyone who wants, can take it as it as a model and presented in duplicate in the City of Gerena, or edit it to fit your desires by adding new claims or suggestions. The present document is intended to collectively signed (by various), but may also occur individually.
not forget to submit the document (signed and with the number of DNI) to "duplicate" at City Hall. (One copy will be returned sealed the check and the other will stay at City Hall)
Remember, the arguments are the only citizens weapon we have to stop this wild and crazy General Plan, proposed by the Municipal Government Team (PSOE), which will destroy the look and Gerena cityscape as we know it, and mean irreversible loss of personality as a village Gerena Historical metropolitan area, which will become a dormitory town of the metropolitan area of \u200b\u200bSeville, the path they have followed many other people who are in a dire situation.
ONE GERENA habits, which continue to maintain its identity as a people ...
My dear Montse ( Noa's Workshop ), ever so carefully, it gives me a number larguiiiisima of pampering, which I love to receive. Wapa Thank you so much for always remember me ( despite having spent time in off ). Let's start
are all very cute and cuddly:
I bringing rules. I have to answer some questions, so, here goes ......
1 .- Why did you create the blog? was a time of hope and change in my life and a way to express more or to show my creativity (while I've learned a lot).
2. What kind of blogs do you follow? Various , there are good blogs that hook you with their words, others with his ideas, with their looks and of course, with crafts!.
3. Do you have a favorite brand of makeup? No, I use: S
4. What about clothes? No. Just follow what I like and buy things there where I go with my style (not always have to match the current fashion).
5. What is your indispensable makeup product? not exactly makeup, my Vaseline lip Gal Violet ( I can not leave without it! ).
6. Is your favorite color? The lilac or purple and some blue ( with time, hehe ).
7. Is your perfume? green tea.
8. Is the movie that you like best? I love the classics ( including Disney, hahaha ): Breakfast at Tiffany's, Wonderful Life, Charade .... The Musical: Moulin Rouge, Mamma Mia .... And more modern: Pirates of the Caribbean, haha \u200b\u200b(I love Johnny Deep ).
9. Which countries would you like to know and why? France and Italy. Always ... France for its bohemian and Paris in particular, for its romantic image, I guess. Italy, for its architecture and monumental art .... all so!.
Well, that's it, I think ( already know me a little more )..... I leave here for my fans. Thanks again for this beautiful detail Montse.