With the advent of Christmas, Ecologists in Action reminds the whole of society exercise the importance of responsible consumption, critical and supportive, on dates marked by the commodification of feeling, waste and a major environmental bill resulting from excessive purchases .
The arrival of the holiday season to our societies usually marked by a series of situations that deepen over the years: a consumption divorced from human needs, and closer to the waste, the exaltation of the emotions advertising and media coverage of the affected products as a way to express or materialize. Urban streets over-illuminated signs that, beyond the transmission of typical Christmas symbols seem more associated with promoting uncritical and uncontrolled consumption that occurs at this time. But: What symbol is more connected to the XXI Century Christmas excess go shopping?
Ecologists in Action promoted throughout the year, although at this time is particularly relevant means recalled, critical consumption, local, responsible, small-scale and solidarity as a way to put a brake on social and environmental awareness to the crisis, which is more visible and undeniable over the years. Furthermore, over-stimulation advertising necessarily lead to the manipulation of emotions as an effective persuasive argument.
is not surprising that in a society that places consumption and accumulation at the top of his scale of values \u200b\u200band the object of their aspirations, Christmas is an opportunity to increase volumes of business profits, in almost all cases at the expense of the environment. For this reason, try to influence these dates on the idea that our consumption patterns, our style and way of life lead us to a dead end, because each day is more evident unsustainability.
Earth urges us to stop, think and, inevitably, decline. And in this sense, for Ecologists in Action Christmas is an opportunity, but for the exercise of greater civic responsibility.