Sunday, December 2, 2007

Grapefruit And Cardizem

Llamazares proposes the election of the line of the campaign of Izquierda Unida through Internet

Europapress News tuning campaign. The development of this initiative can be traced through / Llamas. candidate for the Presidency of the Government of Izquierda Unida, Gaspar Llamazares, made a call over the Internet to find the tuning of the coalition campaign that used in the next general election, reported UI.
The process for the choice of music has already started "with an acceptance that has exceeded any initial expectations," said United Left.

In just 24 hours it has spawned a network of contacts over 300 "friends" and supporters who, in turn, have added to yours, and have begun to receive melodies proposal ahead of his election campaign tuning. The development of this initiative can be traced through / Llamas.
Llamazares also has become the first candidate to Moncloa to hang your 'profile' on the web portal 'My Space'.